Super High Resolution Confocal Raman Systems

To complete our product line in Raman spectroscopy, we represent Spectroscopy & Imaging (S&I) GmbH in Germany for its Super High Resolutions Confocal Raman Systems in North America and Asia. They include:

  • MonoVista Confocal Raman System
  • TriVista Confocal Raman System

Confocal Raman Microscope – MonoVista CRS+

MonoVista Confocal Raman System (MonoVista CRS+) is the most versatile and yet user friendly confocal system offered by Spectroscopy & Imaging GmbH. Its software-controlled optical alignment for lasers and spectrometer and high-speed Raman mapping makes complex measurements simple and easy. MonoVista CRS+ offers more advanced features than all confocal systems on the market.  It is equipped with an excellent high-end imaging-corrected spectrometer with maximum spectral coverage (200 nm – 2000 nm) and yet high resolution (down to 0.2 cm-1 FWHM at 633 nm). The UV grade optics allows the use of lasers down to deep UV (200 nm) and the system can make low-frequency measurements down to 10 cm-1.

MonoVista CRS+ Upright
MonoVista CRS+ Inverted

MonoVistaCRS+ IX71 III


Click here to view or download the product brochure for more comprehensive MonoVista CRS+ features.


Confocal Raman Microscope – TriVista CRS

TriVista Confocal Raman System (TriVista CRS) offers unbeatable spectral resolution that is necessary for researchers who want to study finest Raman shift.  With TR777 model in additive mode the system has a resolution of FWHM less than 0.1 cm-1 at 633 nm. Another feature of TriVista CRS is that it can reach to the lowest frequency possible (down to 5 cm-1 or less). In the meantime, the system supports multiple excitation lasers for studying the dependence of Raman spectra with respect to the excitation wavelength.  Although the system may look very complicated, its operation is actually very simple and easy with all settings and alignments accomplished with the software at a mouse click, and thus permits researchers to concentrate on their actual measurements.


trivista newjpg

Click here to view or download the product brochure for more comprehensive TriVista CRS features.


Please visit S&I’s website ( for more information about these product offerings.

We offer one year (1 year) warranty on all our products. Please contact us for any questions and more information about our products and their quotations.